Vision®/Skyline® Semi-Custom Air Handlers

Energy Recovery Wheel

Vision/Skyline offers two energy recovery options: fixed plate heat exchangers and energy recovery wheels.

  • Winter humidification/summer dehumidification keep the moisture inside in the winter and outside in the summer
  • Exceeds ASHRAE 90.1 that requires a minimum total effectiveness of 50%, ( up to 75% can be achieved)
  • Factory-installed energy recovery devices lower operating costs associated with applications requiring large percentages of outside air

Factory-Installed ECM Fan

Increased efficiency, quieter operation, all in a space-saving footprint with Daikin’s ECM fan array

  • A Customized Solution: Fully selectable and factory installed with a significantly shorter cabinet
  • Higher Efficiency: Modulating speed allows more efficient operation at part-load conditions
  • Redundancy When You Need It: The option to configure for N+1 fans for mission-critical applications
  • Available With Basic or Premium Control Options: Basic controls offer a hand-off-auto switch and potentiometer for manual control override. Premium controls provide a dedicated configurable fan controller and performance and diagnostics for each individual fan.


Sorbent Ventilation Technology Efficiency

When applied in combination with the ASHRAE 62.1 Indoor Air Quality Procedure (IAQP), Sorbent Ventilation Technology not only safely cleans indoor air but also reduces outside air requirements by as much as 80%. As a result, annual HVAC energy costs can be reduced by up to 40%, substantially lowering a building’s energy intensity and carbon emissions.

SVT in Vision/Skyline